Wednesday, January 14, 2004

I don't agree with everything Mr. Haydn sez (Which is not a first) but he has some good points. I think it is good to learn the basics and KNOW the classics but not make them part of yer show so much. Sure anyone can learn them, buy them, perform them... but everyone does that. Everyday new people are egtting exposed to magic. They have never seen the cups n' bawls, clinking rings, or gypsy fooking thread. However before they die they will probably see it more times than they should. Sure I sound biased and whatnot... and I am. However that is my freedom to say so. Don't like it? Bite me.

Anywho, I just don't think we need clones running around enforcing magical inbreeding. Everything has it's place, I just want to see some more reinforcement that moves away from the norm. Is that too much to ask.. IS IT!!!!?

and now for yer amusement....


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