Thursday, February 19, 2004

Posted on a sideshow message board but it applies here too.

After being in the entertainment business for a very long time, (Not as long as some but thaz life isn't it?), and seeing egos clash and backstabbing and asskissing and all of that fun stuff that makes the entertainment industry annoying and great at the same time I wanna say a few things. First I have never understood why many of the performers I meet are complete pricks. If they aren't it's because they think they can use you or yer skill to their advantage. I suppose popularity makes you feel all important and all of that crap but some seem to lose sight of why they do what they do. Just because yer a freek as it were doesn't give you the right to try and be a complete outcast to your fans or the places that hire you. Woo yer special you stick pins in yerself, regurgitate, lay in spikes etc etc (Not a personal attack on anyone just a generalization).. so what? Yer still a person and should act as such. Just because you got personal problems doesn't mean you can take it out on others and if you feel so damn high and mighty maybe you SHOULD be taken down a peg or two and remember what it's like to be human again. Don't believe yer own press kit.

Then we have these guys who have been in the business so long be it magic, sideshow, whatever who are so jaded they think they are always in the right because they are older and have "Experience". Sometimes thaz not all you need. An open mind is good too. Maybe some common sense and the willingness to accept that there are differences in people and the world is changing. There is a market for everything, if you can find it and make them believe they need it. Everyone is entitled to their opinion just as I am here so stop bickering, name calling, pointing fingers and letting yer damn egos get the best of you. Defending yerself is one thing, but beating a dead horse is.. well amusing in some countries but not here. Professionals you say? Act like it.

"Arguing on the internet is like racing in the special olympics. Even if you win, yer still retarded."


*This message brought to you by a guy with too much free time and a strong venomous opinion. If you don't like it tough. Thaz life. You have yer views I have mine. Don't tell me mine are wrong and yours are right. It doesn't fly. It's just the way it is. Thank you goodnight. Tip yer waitress.. over.*

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