Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Wow two posts in a row. What are the odds? This week... pretty damn good I guess.

So what's this all about then? Tonight's episode is entitled "Too young for Mentalism" or "Get a haircut and get a real job". Recently in a few conversations at Knights o' sleights here in NOLA, it was commented that there is a large trend of younger lads getting into mentalism. Only problem with that (Only one?) is unless you are between the age of 30-something and DEATH then it's hard to be taken too terribly seriously. Some things are better with age... cheese, whine, and mind reading.

Now while people like Jay Sankey and Mr. Asshat have made mentalism very easy accessible to the youth, the problem is to actually pull it off you don't have to LOOK like Phil Goldstein but at least be closer to his age. If some clearasil pad needin' emo lookin' kid came up to me and tried to read my mind via a card trick I would know he bought it or it was just some dime store hooker... er.. trick.

Now if you look more the age of say well anyone in their 40's then I might just be a little more mystified. So while yer learning a center tear, glimpse, and how to use a shiner why not hone yer performing skills and save it for when you get sick of the card tricks.

By the way... don't call yerself a mentalist. Only we know what that means. Stick with mind reader, psychic, or lonely loser who obviously can't really predict the future or read minds or else they would have a better job.


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