Thursday, November 24, 2005

Recreating The Wheel

As magicians we sure do like to flex our creative muscle to create a method for an effect that fits our style or comfort level of handling. When it comes down to it tho', no matter how you accomplish it the outcome is always.. the same. Mind you as magicians we're the only ones who know but do we really need 149 ways to do an Ace Assembly. Is one method of Torn and Restored paper better than the other when they all come to the same conclusion? Is it really necessary to use a gimmick for three flight? Only YOU can prevent forest fire... er.. only YOU can answer that question.

With that in mind let's talk about the classics. They are called that because they will never cease to amaze people and bore the snot out of the people who know how it's done. I am sure when James Stewart was alive he didn't wanna watch "It's a Wonderful Life" every X-mas. I KNOW Tim Curry isn't too big a fan of watching himself in the Rocky Horror Picture Show. Why? They lived thru it. I know that anytime I see Linking Rings I tell the person next to me to wake me when it's over. Why? Cuz' I can do the silly things but refuse to. Personal opinion. Some magic I never get tired of seeing. That's just the way it is, some things will never change (Bruce Hornsby).

However since classics work well on the mundanes who write our checks we still have versions of Cups and Balls ranging from see-thru cups to milk shake container. We have linking rings made of barbed wire. We have Zombie Balls that look like tables and big red volleyballs (Which still confuses me why it looks like that.) So it's not so bad to take a classic and make it your own unique entity. Most magicians have a favorite classic. For me it's the multiplying balls. (Hence the eyeball routine I do.) I'm not doing anything frighteningly new but I have dressed it up to meet my standards and outlook on life. Does that make it noteworthy? Hell no! Is it the personality and performance I put into? I'd say yes but that's really up to the person viewing it.

So just remember. Even if 3/4ths of the world's magicians do cups and balls you could find a way that's never been done and stand out among the crowd. (And win a TAOM close up convention. They love cups and balls there. TRUST ME.)

So become classically trained. It might do yah good.


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