I was recently at the local version of Knights of Sleights here in the DFW area. Ran into someone who not only reads this journal but actually LIKES it. Amazing. I have always stated that I started this thing not for my own ego or to get noticed but to try and post my feelings on the magic world at large and have a place to keep them that might help others and give them something to think about. I dunno how many read this crap and I don't care I'm just glad the ones that meander their ways here enjoy themselves as much as I.. um.. enjoy myself.. hmm.. let's move on.. this is going a direction I dun care for...
So at this same gathering I was talking to someone I have known for sometime out here who is damn good at close-up fer shure. He said he's kinda at an impasse with magic. Basically he sees no reason to keep going with it or go thru some of the hassles that come with creating new material or touring seedy night clubs. Now I know that is not for everyone, but it does go along with my theory that you should do a lot of things at least once. Touring is an experience very few have the patience or insanity for. (Why do you think bands take so much drugs and liquor into their body?) However, there is NOTHING like experience kids. It makes you a better performer, more educated in the world around you, and spreads your name to other areas and let's face it.. there's no cream to get rid of name recognition.
If some of you are ever at a point in your life where you fore see you starting to fall out of favor with your chosen love then get out of it, or change your perception. When you no longer do it for love (or ego stroking like for some) then don't harm yourself or your art anymore.
Mind you, inspiration and direction can find you when you least expect it.
"I've never been in love, but I stepped in it once." -Undimmed
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