"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic"
So a fairly new effect on the market has gotten people all a-buzz. It's called WOW. (Which when spelled backwards is also wow but upside down it's mom.) Now I dunno about you guys, but when I first saw it I immediately thought of an old trick called "The Hidden Sun" (Bottom Right). For those who remember it, you know what I am talking about.
What amazes me is that I saw that effect and IMMEDIATELY went, "Well duh". As usual with magic, just cuz' you can figure it out doesn't make it any less cool. It looks good and that's all that matters right?
This alllll goes back to usual rant about how today's magicians should study the world around them and be knowledgeable of their magical past to a degree. This is not the first time this technology has been used for a trick (or even a science experiment.)
Ah but the Japanese exploit technology and make it their bitch so in turn they can make US their bitch as well. Same old song and dance aye?
Personally I thought Contra Vision had something to do with a video game.
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