Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Dying From Exposure...

Recently someone tagged me in a post of some asshat revealing one of my tricks on social media. This is not the first time it has happened and it won't be last because there are some who believe magic exposure is "The Future" (TM).

I suppose there is a teeny tiny part of me that is flattered something I created is good enough to steal. However, with the rampant exposure and theft on social media it got me thinking about the ratio of people creating magic vs those consuming it for clicks, views, and pennies.

In a previous post I talked about how it takes very little brain energy to steal from someone and put it online. It's the bottom rung on the entertainment ladder. These bottom rung feeders will just keep taking and never contribute. This will cause those who do create to keep more and more to themselves to keep it secret... keep it safe.

Sure there will always be people pumping mediocre magic into the marketplace because it's easy and most of it only looks good on camera anyway. I think that is the reason so much mentalism is being released because it's hard to "reveal" and can't really be done over social media. (And no one really cares)

So to those who attach themselves to the magic community like barnacles I say this: enjoy your ill gotten gains while you can you leeches. One day you will only have yourselves to steal from (more than you already are) and if you show up at a magic function and I steal something from you like your wallet or phone, don't act surprised as to why.

You started this...


1 comment:

  1. Well said. These blood suckers are a blight on magic and it can be depressing to watch what they trample on with no regard for anyone's hard work , no understanding of what is ethical (vs. what is "legal") Not only depressive , but also repressive , in the sense that I think it represses the creative magician's natural urge to create and share new material with the magic community. Between the knock-offs from China that flood the market within months of a new release and the social media jerks exposing (which they will sometimes attempt to dignify under the name of doing "tutorials") it is understandable if a magical creator hesitates to release their best material. (Or any material. Some people just give up)

    Exposure sucks. Exposers suck. Go back and read editorials in the old Genii magazines from the 1930s' and 1940's where William Larsen Sr. rips the exposers a new one. He was right back then, he's right now.

    I noticed it was in vogue for a while for a certain set of "sophisticated" magicians to pooh-pooh the outrage over exposure as if it were no big deal. Something only amateurs get upset about. "Magicians guard an empty safe" we were told with a nod and a wink as they patted our wee little heads and sent us back to the children's table. "Ha-ha, no big deal you amateur , you old-fashioned rube." I also notice that a few among this smart set are not slow to use hardball tactics when it is their own "empty" safe that is being robbed. They don't seem to care if what gets exposed is what they condescendingly consider to be small standard-issue tricks that the average working pro or semi-pro is using in their act, but if it's one of their big ticket items they created they're not quite so smug about the alleged harmlessness of exposure.


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