Wednesday, February 22, 2006

A riddle within in a mystery wrapped in a tortilla with some cheese.

Hey it's time for some more kokeyed advice from your truly. A friend of mine and I had been discussing the difference between doing magic for magicians and for non-magi's. One of the major problems with some magicians especially the younger up-and coming ones is they get so into magic they immerse themselves in magic and magicians they forget what the real world thinks.

Real people don't give a damn about how clever your ace assembly is. Laypeople don't call it a coin trick or a rope trick. It's just magic to them. Mundanes won't judge you as a person if yer pass or double lift is shite. As a matter of fact you'd be hard pressed to find a time when someone is REALLY wanting to care about what your doing sometimes. If they are looking at your hands when you do a top change, pass, or whatnot then I have news for you.. it's not them... it's you.

Ahem.. regardless, doing magic for magicians, as my friend says, is a puzzle. Especially in ones in "the know". If you fool them they might enjoy it sure or appreciate it.. but they ARE trying to figure it out. They can't help it. It's the nature of things. Most real people want to figure it out but don't have the knowledge. Their assumptions are based on what little they DO know about magic where a magician HAS the knowledge to figure it out. (And hey possibly rip the idea off from you.)

Now there are a few real people out there that will try to explain everything away. Some CAN figure out puzzles really well and can see thru a lot of basic magic and sleights. There are even those who HATE to watch magic cuz' it makes them mad they can't figure it out. It's ok to let that happen. As a matter of fact if they do watch and you fool them then kudos to you. To fool a know-it-all or entertain an anti-magic is a good feeling. Yer gonna have to bone up on that social interaction thing tho'. Don't be a magician. Be a human. Learn to interact socially without magic. It comes in handy trust me.

Now magicians.. if you are doing standard fare or a store bought or classic effect yer best bet is to not fool them but entertain them. In many cases a lot of magicians will NOT show their original pet effects to other magi's as they do have a habit of stealing moves, handling, and patter. It's just the sad truth. Heck depending where you go some groups of magicians are negative as hell. They will tell (And show) you 10 different ways they already know that's better than that new idea yer working on. Don't listen to those guys. They are bitter hobbyists... usually.

So go ahead and create new tricks and moves that appeal only to magicians if that's yer thing. It helps the pros and ambitious in the long run.


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