Saturday, May 17, 2008

Put it on my bill...

So keeping in the vein of last night's post about new effects and the plots they use, let's talk about money. I don't mean Pink Floyd tunes either.

Two effects that come to mind are all of the variations of Patrick Page's Easy Money and the 100 Dollar Bill Switch. When it comes to changing a stack of paper to a different one, I prefer the idea behind Page's initial idea. Useless pieces of paper to money. Easy to follow and it doesn't take a step backwards.

That really is my biggest problem with these two money effects. The presentation is a thinly veiled bit of silliness. "I am going to change dollar bills to something MUCH BETTER.. oh wait.. maybe not. Just kidding. I'm an asshole and yer a victim of my ass hattery. Sorry... but not really." Just makes no... damn...sense.

Lately there has be a HUGE upswing on the Easy Money/Flash Cash concept. One such is Tom Isaacson, (Whom I met at WMS, and is a real nice guy), who has a damn good change. It's only downside is that it is VERY fast. If yer movements are more geared towards fast and flashy then his is the best hands down. However, if you are more inclined to a smoother more dramatic countenance, then Heiny 500 or Extreme Burn might be more yer cup of tea. The best thing about so many variations is there is BOUND to be something for you to use. Personally.. I won't do any of them... it's not my jock strap of tea.

If I was to perform it, I would use it as a transposition from paper to money and use a switch wallet. It makes more sense, and seems more magical. Takes the heat off the props even more in my opinion. I think the BEST 100 dollar bill switch presentation I have EVER seen was done by a guy named Doug Scheer. (Who is also a nice guy) His was also a transposition but used photographs and a serial number to baffle the hell out of people. (Not gonna explain the routine here, as it might be his idea and no need for un-necessary ripping off of routines aye?)

So, all of that aside, stop doing bill changes that make no sense. For my sake if nothing else. Don't insult your audiences intelligence...

Just insult your audience. (Grin)


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