Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Can we just... not?

I know you are supposed to use a metric ass load of hashtags to "get views" on Instagram but for the love of...  maybe don't use #femalemagician if there are no performers of the feminine persuasion in it? It's pretty damn sleazy.

(Post edited to make a bit more sense)


  1. To be fair, one part of the video (originally from magic.thoma) has a cameo from jolo_magic, who is female. To be unfair, the post you found is from an account that reposts content from other accounts, and while it credits magic.thoma, it does not credit jolo_magic despite using the #femalemagician hashtag.

    But generic labels should be enough. It's not like women need names, right? I mean, that would almost make it seem like they're real people!

    1. That's fair. I should probably change it to this video instead. (and likely will) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAGt_p5HBk3/

      The subject of the crowbar separation on gender identifiers next to the word "magician" is a WHOLE other discussion.

    2. That account just puts the same hashtags on every video it seems regardless of what's in it.

    3. Maybe there's a really good reason for the seemingly inaccurate hashtags, and it will be revealed once the video gets 10,000 likes.


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