Wednesday, November 09, 2005

I have the fortunate opportunity to work at a video production office that happens to be run by a magician. He gets to record a lot of convention footage and stuff for archives and whatnot. I help edit them and such and because of that I have seen some really good magical acts.. and sad to say... some really bad ones. Acts that leave me saying to myself, "And I'm still broke?"

Many of the magicians that come thru on these tapes are doing their "Competition" acts. An 8 minute act of doves, cards, candles, manipulation, and an otherwise amusing little vignettes. Such is Arthur Trace. His act involves a modern art theme. His website is sadly lacking in information about his specific magic acts. I do wish he dressed more the part of someone messing with a painting. As it is so far he looks like a museum curator or one of those latte' vinte drinking art snob gallery guys. (All black, jacket, etc) While his act is very strong and unique he suffers from the same as most other magi. No personality or memorable character to grasp onto. Just another face in the crowd.

Mind you I have gotten off subject. So many magicians spend so much time on a competition act I think they lose touch with performing not just for but TO an audience. Remember, the fourth wall is only there if you don't tear it down. (The fourth wall is a theater term where you play facing the audience but do not acknowledge they exist. Sometimes it is good to break the fourth wall barrier and sometimes not depending on the presentation.)

Basically these acts are the centerpiece of their show and the rest of it is just a variation on a theme. If you decide that you want to work magic conventions all your life then go for it. Create a magician pleasing magic competition act... or become unique in all that you do and see what real people like. Don't forget to research and ask and NEVER be afraid to get feedback from "laymen".

I've said it before, I'll say it again.. and again.. and again.. and again..
