Friday, April 27, 2007

Watch this...

I present to you Exhibit A in my essay on "Shit That Magicians Do That Make Me Wanna Kill".

Ok so first off, some magicians should stick to what they are good at. In Steinmeyer's case, inventing and writing. Much like John Kennedy, he is a good creator of magical stuff... not so much demonstrating it. That aside, lemme point something out - That damn bag.

It has weight to it. If you have ever handled a lunch sack in school or made lunches for yer kids you can tell the difference between empty and not so empty sacks. So my questions is, Why not find someway to make the bag look very lightweight? Sure it's not a glaring obviousness, but it's a subconscious thing that sets off people WTF Meter. (Patent Pending)

This is not the only instance this kinda thing annoys me. Have you EVER seen a version of the Vanishing Bandanna where the Devil's Hank at the end looks empty? Looks more like a large squished banana inside a square of badly stitched fabric. Magic is full of little things like this. I am a big believer in the little details. IF they're there you don't notice, but if they weren't there you would.

So yah, a lightbulb jumps around. Big whoop. The bag changing places with the lightulb.. cool. Bag in lightbulb.. not too bad. Reason for doing it? No fackin' clue. Hey it's the Magic Hostel. The people who go there are usually so inebriated they'll clap for anything. (and I'm not just saying that cuz' they won't hire me. I've been there and seen it with my third eye. Eee Ee Eee Ee)

I like all magic... but I will find flaws in most of it. Even my own.

Especially my own.


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