As things draw to a Close...
Saw recently Mike Close decided, after allowing himself to be barraged by many mediocre magical items for review for ten years, to call it adieu and persue other ventures, like books.
The MAGIC interview (Kevin James on the cover) made a few good points. Magic items are quite prolific in the not so much terrible and great category but in the "enh" spot. Mind you he even mentioned that a review is an opinion. I know that the opinion of a magician is TOTALLY different than that of the people whose opinion really matter.. the layperson.
I released a trick in a limited venue and it got a less than stellar review in Genii. Mind you most of the review was more spent pointing out my writing style than the trick. Regardless, the reviewer, (Who shall remain nameless), wasn't thrilled. Do I care? Hell no. I have been doing this effect for well over a decade and it KILLS. What does it all mean? A review isn't always gospel. The best review is yours and yours alone. See it done, and if yer lucky, someone will show you how it works. Only then can you make an educated guess on whether it will work for you OR fit your style and character. (This is why the internet shops shouldn't be visited as much. Real live magic stores are hands on.)
However for those who can't drive or dun live near a magic shop and the intarweb is yer last bastion of magical placement some smart folks have started My Lovely Assistant dot Com. You might had seen the ads in various mags, but it's worth a look see. I have ever contributed a few of my own special brand of evil reviews there. Knowledge is power and some knowledge should be shared to warn others of shitty magical products *cough*HeNrYeVaNs*cough*
Just remember: Is it you.... and is it worth 25$ for a deck of cards with a hole in the card box and a rubber band? (The correct answer is.. no.)
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