Sunday, August 07, 2005

I don't normally get involved in stuff like this but..

It kinda goes with the things I like to teach new magicians... and people in general. First it starts with This and swings deftly into That. (Why do I feel like I am doing that damn trick put out by Danny Archer?)

You can read the drama for yourself. The point I am making is thus... First, don't assume just because you do magic in restaurants and kids parties and yer 15 you can roll with the pros and expect to get treated like one. Second, don't, for the love of whatever deity you worship, ala' yer favorite method, listen to a buncha people online who chide you for something. They don't like it? Tough. Can't please everyone and if it's someone whose opinion you don't care for.. screw em'. Be yourself. Don't apologize for yourself.

Lastly, and this is the most important and hardest to do... don't blame others for your short-comings. Sometimes you get called on your bullshit. Own up to it, make a joke, build a bridge, get over it. Life is too short to worry about petty things. There are more important events in your life... I promise. Magic isn't the end.. or beginning of your world.. you are.

Lastly... even tho' that was the last one.. but eh.. screw it. (See I am taking my own advice. Go me!!) If you are so petty and narrow minded that something like an online community, or postings of another person, cause you to get all indignant.. then get out of magic. There are enough idiots already mucking up the system for those of us who DO take it seriously as an art and a career. Take a better hobby.. like stamp collecting.. or animal husbandry.

Now I DO wanna make this clear that this post is not, repeat, not aimed at the subject of the aforementioned drama. He is just the trigger. I see this stuff all too often. Just a little advice from me to you... all 3 of you.

"Let's stop this and start over
Let's go out - let's keep going


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