Monday, March 13, 2006

I was just thinking about this in the shower. (I know you wanted to hear that) About how a magician will look a trick and sneer and be all like, "I figured that out in 2.2 seconds. Big deal." When Shirt Happens came out a lot of people reacted like that. It still looks cool. Remember, not everyone is as jaded as you are.. or me for that fact. Tee hee.

I sell an effect on my website that, to real people, not those imaginary people, is a frickin' miracle. They love it. Magicians see it and just say "Ooh well I could make that" well duh. You can make a lot of magic but they disregard it since it doesn't fool them.

Think about the first time you saw invisible deck performed... or a thumb tip. I remember the FIRST time I saw an ITR in action. I FREEKED out. Levitation.. who woulda thunk it? I got one and was still AMAZED at the contraption. Over time we forget that feeling and you have to remember how to forget. Forget what you know.. or think you know. (Name that movie quote) Learn to think like a non-magician. I've said this before but hey now I have examples!!

It doesn't have to be magical.. to be magic.

Remember that.


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