Thursday, November 09, 2006

Ok so I was perusing my fiends list on LJ (Yes I am a dork) and someone actually made a somewhat poignant post (for magic anyway). Below is my response for your viewing pleasure.

"So yer asking if magic is there a way to make magic memorable and not just some cheap party trick? Indeed and it doesn't have to be emotional or even an in depth story. I've been doing magic for.. umm.. too long to count on all my extremities (You figure it out) and can tell you a few of the ways I know of to keep magic with someone forever.

1. Do something impossible. Truly impossible. Levitation is not actually in the category cuz' they can dismiss it with any number of answers.

2. Vanish something and never bring it back.. ever... but this only works if incorporated with the #1 or...

3. Use something that makes it personal for them... something that gives them an anchor if you will.

Now I shall explain. First I will address #2 and 3 together. Vanishing THEIR lit cigarette. Not yours.. but theirs. You take something they connect with personally but not enuff to be mad if it goes away. It's disposable attachment. Vanish it and NEVER bring it back.

An example of Number 1 is Michael Close's moving pothole effect. To move a hole around at will IS impossible. With the incorporation of their house and street in the mix they will never forget the trick and keep that card (And who you are) forever.

Let's see #1 and 2 together now. Swallowing a four foot balloon and never bringing it back out makes you unforgettable. Why? Allow me to explain. People need closure in their lives. If something goes away it MUST come back.. this is why we have a problem with death cuz' it won't be back but we try like mad to make the memory remain. Thus if you never bring something back that has an impact that gets stuck in their minds and they will never forget who you are.

Also the best way to make magic memorable is to be memorable yourself. Anyone can do cheap tricks... but it takes real skill to give them a reason to care and remember. Be a face and you will have a name."

I'm especially proud of that last line there.


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