Oh I feel a rant coming on... (good thing I am listening to swing music or this could get ugly)
I have previously mentioned the rise of magic blogs and their propensity for going that EXTRA mile to talk about what's bad in magic. I am all for it, but geez people there is a line. Now improper business practices, stealing other material, reviews of tricks all well and good. However I fail to see where going online and critiquing someone else's act without them giving a damn what you think or asking yer opinion comes into play. Yah I know free country and alla that junk but...
I think if you took all of the hours these people spend surfing the net just LOOKING for stuff to bitch about you would find it greatly outnumbers the hours they spend practicing, performing, or improving their art, character, or presentations. Now true, some of these people are self-proclaimed non-pro's or retired of sorts from magic. Thaz fine.
Why do I bring this up? Well a while back on the magic cafe someone decided to bring up the fact that someone I know made a joke in one of his online videos about inventing the ambitious card. Oh man did everyone go batshit over this. Funny thing is that line did what it was soley intended to do. It worked beautifully. I had a good laugh.
Well while I was away it seems someone else found this site and made light of it on another blog. Some unkind words were said. This again falls under the category of "Who asked you?" Mind you anyone with a brain in their head, or a modicum of sense has better things to do than listen to the blather of what someone else thinks on something that they are perfectly free to decide for themselves. (Gee I think I just ousted myself there... oops.)
Let me say a little something for those who like to randomly critique other people's stuff when yer safe online.
1. Get all your facts. Making assumptions about stuff you have no idea about is kinda silly and juvenile.
2. Try to be more respectful of someone else's art. Just remember this... "Where is your professionally done promo video?" I guarantee the person you are bad mouthing doesn't care what you think and someday it could come back to bite you in the ass.
C. Remember: They can find out who you are and meet you in person someday.
Now reviewing a product online is a bit different. You are informing someone (if yer un-biased about it) of the pros and cons of an item from an informed ear. If you are a foul mouthed little wanker that comments on spelling mistakes and then doesn't spell check your own review you might want to re-think your logic. (For those of you keeping tabs, I misspell stuff on purpose. The english language is my BITCH!!)
Oh by the way, one more thing on blogs and I shall never speak of them again... what is the deal with making a magic blog and then putting in crap that has NOTHING to do with magic? They make Live Journals for stuff like that. I am sure you might be amused by ejaculation reports and wanna put it in yer magic blog.. but can we please keep your private life more.. private?
I'm not trying to offend anyone here, and these are just my opinions. Don't listen to me or anyone else. Listen to the voices in your head. They just might be trying to tell you something. (Practice more... get off the internet... stop wasting your life...)
(shakes head)Woo what was that?
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