Monday, January 02, 2006

The Magic Cafe has always been a big point of hilarity and mockery in Blogs since The Magic Circle Joik started. Necessity is the mother etc etc...

It's easy to understand honestly. You put a buncha people who THINK they know what they are doing in one spot and yer gonna get friction. I found someone has posted about the release of my new book. I have never seen a group of people so willing to pass judgment so fast. (Unless you count the xians.)

The DVD that guy is referring to was a fairly shoddy product. I saw it. Very little detail was given about the history or various methods used to achieve the razor blade illusion. We spent a good amount of time researching and accumulating ideas and methods without going too crazy. (There is such a thing as too MUCH information.)

The comment about Jim Rose is fairly true. He does use it quite a bit but that DVD also does not go into much detail either. I mean kudos to these guys for furthering the exposure for this fine illusion but much disdain to the uninformed masses of amateurs who know nothing about magic or it's history.

So in short.. don't be that guy.


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