Thursday, January 26, 2006

There is talk on and in a few places about "The Underground" which tends to be moves and effects that circulate between close-up guys and are tweaked, toyed with and eventually published. Kickback was one of those effects. It was neet too. Lee Asher was once a prod member of "The Underground" especially with his original Cooking with Lee Asher video. At one point, (When he had hair kinda) Jay Sankey was underground. (Or above ground since he is Canadian) A lot of time when these new guys surface their material they become like bands. "Wow this new band Bowling for Soup is awesome!" Sorry to bust yah bubble but they have been around since the late 80's here in TX. Korn was like that too. Heard about them when I was 16. No one else did till' many years later.

However in yester-year did not have what we have now... Teh Intarweb. Hard to keep a secret nowadays... and much easier to turn a profit. When it was all word of mouth and re-telling about an effect you saw, usually mis-remembered, magic effects were easier to keep hush hush. Now "The Underground" has people like Daniel Garcia in it, (Who I remember from before he was "the" Daniel Garcia), along with a great many others. People like Criss Angel are taking advantage of these unknowns and using their material in his show.. like the guy who developed Coin in Can.

Lecture notes are one of the last bastions of "The Underground". However people are now writing notes ONLY for internet release. Nothing wrong with that... just makes it more accessible. How do you make something underground in today's age? Limited Runs. Hard to think of doing when the almighty dollar is on the line.. but for some.. art is what is more important.(That and the fact you don't want every 15 year old ass klown doing your stuff.. badly)

Just remember. Saying you have kept something a secret from the magic world for X amount of years doesn't mean anything except you just haven't told anyone about it or performed it at a magic convention.

Wanna keep something hidden? Put it up for print in a linking ring.


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