Sunday, November 14, 2010

Bow wow, woof woof....

Tonight I was having a conversation with a friend about the various perspectives one might take on magic demos that fake the method to sell the item.

This came up due to an effect released recently called Sleeve Star. I do a lot of sleeving and so when something new involving this technique hits, I like to research it... especially if it costs $150. I was hoping around from message board to message board and made my way over to the big green weenie where I found a post about how one of the demos is misleading.

So I watched the demo in question and I found it suspect as well. I talked with one of our local magic shops about the effect and how it works and have come to the conclusion that they are trying to hoodwink everyone and the demo is indeed faked with duplicate coins.

This pisses me off no end jack.

I believe that if a product you release cannot stand up on it's own merits in real time on camera then you need to not sell it or fix it so it does as advertised. I am against false advertising in the magic world. making a quick buck off the uninitiated is dirty pool and I will not stand for it.

Now there have been various product demos over the years that have omitted details to outright tricky editing to make their product look a certain way. I have heard all of the arguments as well. "It's representing what the spectator sees" or "If we showed them everything, they would figure it out and not buy it." How about this... fuck you. If you have to lie to yourself that much to sleep at night, fine. It's unethical, scummy, and downright underhanded. Just know that there is at least ONE person who is out there looking for you and your false BS. I will stand up and tell you the emperor has no clothes. What the rest of you choose to do with this information is up to you. I suggest speaking up and showing your displeasure at this kind of practice. Send a message to those who would subdue us.

I want to hear what YOU think. Look at the poll box on the right side of the screen. Let me know where you stand. Maybe we can send a small message out into the ether.

Sometimes doing the right thing, means you do it by yourself.