Monday, January 05, 2004

Ok well I have only gotten one request thus far and to make it a real contest I need more than one you ungrateful mean loyal readers. So until the void is filled on another request I might as well yap to my heart's content about something else. I think I shall make a personal attack on the little nose-miner fuck trophies over at some of the magic boards I lurk on.

Personally I blame the degradation of magic into a capitalist hellhole on the abundance of slimy amateur magicians who think shlepping lackluster products to pre-pubescent males who couldn't get laid if they had a checking account is a good business venture. Back in the olden days (Way before my time I might add) magic stores were not as prolific nor were they run by just any numbnut. They also were (but not always) somewhat discriminating as to what they would or would not sell a hobbyist.

Now it's the future. We have the inter-web. Ah yes, the internet... where porn and blackmail roam free like so many water buffalo on a wildlife preserve. Someone realized there was a giant gap in the online magic market and decided to fill it. However what they filled it with was CRAP!!!!! Now they have message boards full of kids who know only so much as they are told and don't look much beyond their own computer screen for answers. They assume that just cuz' they found a website that guarantees them power, popularity, and some really neet magical apparatus then that's all they need to know. Technology has made us all lazy and magic on the web is no different. I see so many stupid questions that could be easily answered with just a bit more of effort on their part. I tire of seeing posts like "Invisible Deck: Is it worth it?" If you have to ask this question you should be booted from a magic board and forced to take up a hobby like cross-stitch. The first time it was asked should be your answer. There is a search function for a reason you know?

As the lazy factor climbs, so does the arrogance factor. Sure you've been in magic for, wow 2 whole years? You must be good enough to have yer own TV show. < /sarcasm > Here entertain me then. Notice I did not say fool me with some really convoluted sleight of hand. Technique is not the same as performance.

Speaking of your own show, every time I see someone who knows nil about performing (and blew his birthday money on a buncha props) books a show and then asks, "What is the best way to blah blah blah. I have a show this weekend." I want to bludgeon them about the head and shoulders. NEVER do a show you have not timed, practiced, and blocked out. You make us all look bad. It's like the blonde bimbo who sets women's lib back 40 years. Quite frankly it's too late to fix anything. (Much like women's lib in some cases.) Thus those who care have to care more and those who don't care... have to be lit on fire by those who do care. It's only because we care...


(The following sure is rather bitter and jaded but it has been a frustrating week. Don't like it, too bad!!)

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