Monday, February 25, 2008

We're almost a movie title...

It appears I have made almost 300 posts in this journal since it began 4+ years ago. I can't believe I am still writing in this thing or that ANYBODY reads it. Regardless, I was writing up an effect for a contest on The Astonishment Project and realized I haven't touched on various forms of misdirection really.

One of my personal faves is Time Misdirection. It is SO simple yet so very effective. The best part is it's invisible and can last as long as you want. From a mere moment (For those who don't know, a moment last three seconds) to three minutes and 64 grains of sand. Regardless, it is a powerful and seldom used tool in most magician's arsenal. Most use it and don't even know they are doing it. (Usually because they are prattling on and people lose interest/ focus.)

A good, yet annoying example of time misdirection is the criss-cross force. (If you don't know what that is, it's when you force a card on someone while wearing your clothes backwards) Time misdirection occurs when you use oregeno.. er.. thyme to take their mind off something that recently occurred. It could be a question, a hand motion, or a knife in the eye. Any one of those will suffice. Even having someone else shuffle the deck works wonders for helping them forget something that just happened.

Mind you, since we have the attention of a horny ferret on speed, it's not hard to make people forget what just happened mere moments ago. Can you even remember how this article started off? I bet not. See? Time misdirection works wonders!!

Like magic... but cheaper.


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