Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Yer OUT!!

So last night I was at an election party thing. A tipsy woman from the Ukraine was wanting to see some magic. Lucky for her the room was full of them. She took a quarter I was doing some stuff with and clasped her hands around it and wanted me to make it vanish. Now before I tell you how I handled this, think for a second... what would you do hot shot? What.. would..

(Jeopardy music plays)

If you answered shoot the hostage you are correct. Regardless, the only thing you can do when someone asks you to do something you KNOW you can't do, is to answer with humor. That will disarm their silliness. Ever had someone grab a playing card and ask you "What card is this?" I always answer, "It's a red card". No matter what they say, I reply, "On the back" they will usually laugh and hand me the card back.

Of course there are those times when someone REALLY wants to put the card in the deck themselves. They will wrest the deck from you and try to put it where THEY want. Do you get rude and struggle with them? No. Get yer hands on the card for a second and crimp the hell out of the corner. Now who cares where they put it. Hell even a glimpse will help you. If you can still be amazing under their idea of "test conditions" then you will come off looking much better.

Always remain in control of the situation, but it's ok to sometimes make them believe they are the ones calling the shots. However, it is ok to politely walk away from someone who is too drunk to be accommodating.

As for the lady, I fell back on the old stock line, "I have made it vanish, and now it's back. Have a look!" So she gave up the coin and I later put it in a bottle of water. Sometimes the best misdirection is alkeehal. The moral of this story is don't be afraid to let your helper have their way sometimes. It might make you look better in the end.

And some of you need all the help you can get,


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