Friday, May 16, 2008


So as well ALL know, yes even you there... not looking at me or paying attention... we all know that levitation is the ridiculous end all, be all of magical flatulence in people's minds. However, there are a myriad of floaty shit that can be done. From something as cumbersome as the broom suspension or super-X (If you have no idea what I am talking about, you probably shouldn't be reading this journal anyway. Instead why not go peruse something more your speed?)

Where was I? Ah yes, levitation and it's variants. So you have suspensions, where the object of affliction doesn't really move.. it just kinda hangs there.. like a four hour viagra binge. There is also the bastard children of that category. The "Stuff that sticks to yer hand for NO damn reason" effects. Moving a little further down the line, we have levitations where an object comes only a few inches (if yer lucky) off of a surface. Most "Street" levitations fall under this dynamic as do many others. Then you have yer full on chubbby flotations. Usually employing some unseen form of hook up. These allow you to move the object in free space and show no visible means of support. (like some girls I know.)

Ok so yer asking, "Yes yes we know alla this. Why are you wasting my time with yer hairy vernacular?" Don't worry, it's as simple as you are. I am pimping a new effect soon to hit the shores and figure you might be interested. It comes from the mind of a man who has brought you many fine ways to float objects such as cigarettes and yourself. (Aside from many other fine things of strange allure.)

This effect would almost fall under the excel column of "suspension" due to it's nature of performance, but after you watch This Video you might disagree with that notion. Magic with a normal everyday object that seems very organic and un-obtrusive? Why the hell not? Don't like it? Screw you. Don't buy it. I'll do it and be a golden god at the dinner table. You can lick your wounds and your split spades deck.

This endorsement has NOTHING to do with the fact that Mr. Fearson is a friend of Fire Cat Studios. If the effect was merely "Enh" we just wouldn't mention it. We DO have SOME standards after all....

But not a lot.


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