Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Rhime of the ancient stage magician...

I doubt Iron Maiden will ever cover this, but as well you know, stage magic has taken it in the ass in the last decade. (Tho' oddly enuff, the stage performances at WMS were better than the close-up in my humble but jaded opinion.) There are still some people out there fighting the good fight.

It's rare someone offers advice on theatrical or stage magic. Much like creativity, it's something you have to do.. and do.. and do.. and do over again before you find yer groove thang. However, there is nothing with being prepared for battle by letting others who have been there before you offer up some helpful hints.

Big Daddy Cool has been around for some time out in the musical hills of Tennessee. I can't fault a guy who likes stylish suits and swing music. With that in mind, on his blog of ooey gooey-ness, he is offering up a chapter a month of his book, Theatrical Magic. Advice from someone who has been working it. The ups and downs. The ins and outs. The to and fro. The yin and yang. The Vin And the Diesel.... um.. I think I ran out of things to say.

Regardless, if you want to read more than a chapter a month, he has a way to pick up the whole shiny shebang in one handy dandy little package. So go buy.. er.. by and give your head something to chew on.

It's hungry...


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