Friday, March 28, 2008

For's %#*$ sake...

Today a friend of mine and I were talking about Double Stuft. I told him about an effect that was told to me where someone refills an oreo and the cream just gets more and more until it becomes an egg, and then they crack the egg open. (If anyone knows who this is, lemme know.)

Knowing how it works, I think it's a grand idea but it doesn't seem practical nor does it make ANY sense to me. I know, I know... magic doesn't HAVE to make sense. I agree... to a point. I think the biggest downfall of magicians is they perform magic just for the sake of doing magic. Magic for magic's sake isn't always magic.

Much like I think coincidence isn't magic or how Dai Vernon said confusion isn't magic, just doing magic because you can.. isn't magic OR art. This always falls n line with the idea that most mage's skip over... the question of, Why? Without motivation, reason, or even subtext (what's that?) you are merely just flapping in the breeze as it were. There is a LOT of great magic that makes NO sense in the wrong hands. Without motivation to fuel your endeavors, you are merely just going thru the motions and putting no effort or interest into what you do. You will receive what you put in.

Now I am not saying make a story or clear reason for EVERYTHING you do. Card tricks and things like that have a loophole in them as we are magicians and they are known as our tools, BUT every card trick is it's own vignette. You are able to weave your own essence into them and make them your own and make them interesting to those you are foisting them upon.

Then again, who am I to point fingers aye?


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